These General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply, without restriction or reservation, to all hotel room reservationsmade by the customer on the Hotel's website. The Customer is obliged to read them before making anyreservation and to accept them in order to validate the reservation.The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale areaccessible at all times on the Hotel's website. As these General Terms and Conditions of Sale may be subject to subsequent modification, the version applicable to the Customer's purchase is that in force on the website at the time of booking. Validation of the reservation by the Customer implies acceptance without restriction or reservation of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (including the Personal Data Charter).
Reservation :
Non-refundable rate
Single room rate, non-cancellable, non-refundable and non-changeable. The full amount of your stay will be charged in the event of cancellation or no-show.
Flexible rate
Reservations can be cancelled free of charge up to 1day before arrival (before 12:00 noon local time).In case of no-show or late cancellation, the full amount of the 1st night will be charged. For each reservation, a pre-authorization will be made on the payment card provided.The payment card used for online booking must be presented on arrival.
Rates are quoted in Euros and include VAT. The tourist tax is 08.45€ per day and per person. Any change inthe applicable VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the rates indicated on the invoice date. The same will apply to any modification or introduction ofnew legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities.Tourist taxis not included and must be paid on site.A reservation is considered to be a group reservation when 6 or more rooms are booked simultaneously. Specific sales conditions and rates will apply. We invite you to use the "Group Quote" widget on the home page of the hotel website. The Customer acknowledges that he/she is aware of the nature, purpose and reservation terms of the Services offered by the Hotel, and that he/she has requested and obtained the information necessary to make a reservation with full knowledge of the facts.The Customer is solely responsible for his or her choice of services and their suitability for his or her needs, and the Hotel cannot be held liable in this respect. The Hotel reserves the right to cancel or refuse any reservation from a Customer with whom there is a dispute over payment of a previous reservation, or where an invalid payment card has been provided.Each reservation is nominative and cannot be transferred to a third party under any circumstances.
The Hotel is an entirely non-smoking area.The customer will be held responsible for any direct and/or indirect damage resulting from smoking in the Hotel. He/she will therefore be liable for the full cost of cleaning and restoring the damaged element or area to its original state. The Customer will be held responsible for all direct and/or indirect, consequential damage caused by him/her in the reserved room or within the Hotel. Consequently, he/she undertakes to compensate the Hotel for the amount of the said damage, without prejudice to any damages and interest that may be due, as well as legal and court costs incurred by the Hotel.
In the event of an exceptional event, force majeure or the impossibility of making the reserved room available to the Customer, the Hotel reserves the right to accommodate the Customer in whole or in part in a hotel of equivalent category, for services of the same nature and subject to the prior agreement ofthe Customer.Photos taken within the hotel (rooms and common areas)may not be used for professional purposes without prior authorization from the management.
For reasons of security of goods and persons the establishment is under videosurveillance.
In accordance with article L 221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the Customer does not have the right of withdrawal provided forin article L 221-18 of the French Consumer Code, given the nature of the services provided.The contract is therefore definitively concluded assoon as the reservation is made by the Customer in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.The fact that a natural person (or legal entity) makes a reservation on the Hotel's website implies full and complete acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and obligation to pay for the Services ordered, which is expressly recognized by the Customer, who waives, in particular, the right to rely on any contradictory document, which would be unenforceable against the Provider.
Complaints :
Any complaint about the quality of the servicesprovided must be made to the hotelier during the stay.In connection with the use of its services, and inparticular the services accessible on its website, mobile site and mobile applications, SOFIBIM BAGATEL, as data controller, may collect and process personal data concerning you, either directly or through its subsidiaries. SOFIBIM BAGATEL, a SAS with capital of 200,122,611.30 euros registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 508 292 083, whose registered office is located at 54, avenue Marceau 75008 Paris, is a company in the SOFIBIM BAGATEL GROUP, whose business is conducted under the trade name COMPAGNIE HÔTELIERE DE BAGATELLE. At May 25, 2018, GROUPE SOFIBIM BAGATEL also comprised the following companies :
HOTEL PLATINE, SAS, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 522 056 597, head office at 54 avenueMarceau 75008 Paris.
HOTEL VICE-VERSA, SASU, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 301 292 603, headquartered at 54 avenue Marceau 75008 Paris.
HOTEL LES PLUMES, SASU, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 522 057 876, headquartered at 54 avenue Marceau 75008 Paris.
THE CHESS HOTEL, SASU, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 552 103 764, head office at 54 avenue Marceau 75008 Paris.
LE ROCH HOTEL ET SPA, SASU, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 794 046 144, head office located at 54 avenue Marceau75008 Paris.
L'HOTEL DE L'ABBAYE SAS, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registerunder number 712 062 744, headquartered at 54 avenue Marceau 75008 Paris.
SOFIBIM BAGATEL GROUP is committed to protecting theprivacy of its customers, loyalty program members, prospective customers andvisitors to its websites, mobile sites and mobile applications. All processingof personal data implemented as part of the services accessible complies withapplicable local regulations on the protection of personal data and inparticular with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6,1978, as amended, and the EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (RGPD).SOFIBIM BAGATEL also implements appropriate internalprocedures to raise awareness among its employees and ensure compliance with these rules within its organization.
The Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle complies at alltimes with applicable data protection legislation, acting as data controller. With regard to personal data processed in accordance with these terms and conditions, Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle undertakesto: implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data ;
take reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of any member of its staff who has access to personal data, and to ensure that any person accessing such data will respect and maintain all required confidentiality;
not make or allow personal data to be transferred or otherwise processed outside the European Economic Area without the standard data protection clauses within the meaning of Article 46(2)(c) and (d) of the GDPR, by means of the Standard Contractual Clauses for Data Partners established in third countries in accordance with Commission Decision ;
respond to requests to exercise the rights of data subjects ;maintain completeand accurate records and information to demonstrate compliance. Data is processed for the purpose of the Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle services described in the Conditions. These include, inparticular, booking confirmation, payment processing, complaints and subsequent promotional communication.Personal data includes the following types/categoriesof data: Financial information: Card verification code (CVC), Card expiry date,Card number, Card type. Identity information: Personal e-mail address,Nationality, Birth name, Spouse's name, First name, Private landline telephonenumber, Private mobile telephone number Electronic data: IP address Serviceinformation: Booking date, Arrival and departure dates, Customer purchasedetails, Transaction number, Booking number, Selected rate, Any otherinformation provided by the customer. Information communicated via confirmatione-mails Failure to provide information identified as compulsory may result inthe Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle being unable to register a reservation orhandle customer complaints.The categories of persons concerned include customersand all persons whose data is provided by the customer.Customers may ask the Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelleto view their information. He has the right to correct erroneous information.He may contact the Data Protection Officer of the Compagnie Hôtelière deBagatelle by e-mail at the following address: dpo@cie-bagatelle.comFor further information, the Customer may consult thePrivacy Policy by clicking on the following link: